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Tuesday, January 6, 2009'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! ♥

i shall post the first entry post of the year! :D
though it's almost 1am now, i shall attempt to finish writing this post. caution: it's going to be long! :D

thank you N350, for everything. you guys are just, awesome. beyond words.(:

thank you Darice, our beloved cell group leader, who has done so much for every single member. it's been hard on you, and i really admire your strong mindset. Sun said in the interview 2 weeks ago, that to her, the greatest compliment would be people telling her, "during my toughest times, i'd always tell myself, if Sun can do it, i can do it too." for me, i'd say, "during my toughest times, i'd tell myself, if Darice can do it, i can do it too." (:
it's my honour to be your CGC, and i know i havent been a very good one. thank you for your endless encouragement, and for believing in me.(:

thank you Shaun, for being the armour bearer of N350. your optimism and faith really motivates me during tough times. and your smiles and jokes never fail to brighten up my day! all the best for studying in Ironwood! miss you loads.(:

thank you Yinghui, for always being so efficient. it's comforting to see a person whom i've brought to church growing spiritually stronger at such a tremendous speed. keep on keeping on yeah! let's jiayou together in Hwa Chong! i love you loads, my dearest darling! :D

thank you Ivan, for being such a generous brother in Christ. i really respect you as a brother alot. you've changed so much ever since you came back, and your willingness to serve really touches me alot.(: i shall say this for once, xiao zhu rocks! :D

thank you Leroy, for bringing joy into the cell group! i've learnt alot from you actually. really amazed at your self-teaching skills! you have a good sense of rhythm and beat. believe that you'll be as good as Weisheng in no time! i like your seriousness when you're strumming the guitar! :D

thank you Julia, for being such a great sister in Christ! your high pitch laughter adds joy into my life. every time you pray/sing, i can sense this child like faith in you alot. and it never fails to inspire me. love!(:

thank you Bryan, for the long phonecalls and chats. you have alot of potential in you that has yet to be unleashed. God has taught me alot through you, and He has spoken to me through you, too. you're really one amazing friend whom i treasure alot. love.(:

thank you Jenzi, for always being there for me. thank God you live near me. you're the person i share the most secrets with! (dont try to blackmail me okay haha!) and the one whom i can talk about anything to. you've really been a great great blessing in my life, words cant express. really. BBG the GGB! love you loads.(:

thank you Xuewen, for opening up to me. you're really a great person to hang out with, and your smiles really put a smile on my face too. keep on having the cheerfulness in you, cos it's what makes you shine! stay lovely and cute always! love!(:

thank you Xueni, for also opening up to me. the times spent serving with you during the Christmas Wonderland party, they're precious memories! yay we love kids alot! and i still remember our poem! haha. rock on girl! love!(:

thank you Jasmine, for your optimism, and always going the extra mile to bless your friends around you. i'm really touched by the effort you put in the things that you do! really glad that you're in N350. love you! :D

thank you Tyan Huey, for the hugs you never fail to give me each time i meet you. your willingness to learn is something which i admire alot! God has so much in store for us, so let's continue to grow together! jiayou! love you, sugarheart!(:

thank you Krystal, for willing to share your problems with me. during the Christmas Wonderland party, you brought loads of joy to the children, and you really touched me alot. you're a blessing to many including me. love you, superhero!(:

thank you Insoo, for teaching me korean and for teaching us the super fun "tin tin tan tan' game! other than that, you've also been a great brother in Christ, and i really like your unique laughter!=P love!(:

thank you Ben, for your allowing me to hit you. haha! okay though i havent known you for long, you've brought great joy into the cell group too! thank you for all the times you've made me smile/laugh. all the best in fulfilling your top 5 dream!(: love!(:

thank you Keli, for being so willing to serve too! (during the christmas party and so on...=P) really thank God that the guys in our cell group have this passion for serving. thank you for bringing joy and laughter into the cell group! love!(:

thank you Nicholas, for willing to share your problems, and for always brightening up my days too! you do it unknowingly, and that makes it even more amazing.(: keep looking at the bright side of life okay! candle and glow in the dark stars! :D love!(:

thank you Wendy, for all the times spent together! during youth camp, during services...i like chatting with you! :D hope to see you more often during cell group meetings too! all the best for everything in life and stay happy! love!(:

thank you Felicia, for being such a cheerful and bubbly person in the cell group! conversations with you are always super interesting and full of laughter! it's a joy to be your fellow cell group member, and i love hanging out with you! love! :D

thank you Dorothy, my p3-sec2 classmate! you used to be quiet in primary school, but now you're such an approachable person! really thank God for putting you into my life, for you've been a great blessing in many ways! love you! :D

thank you Shirley, for being such a sweet person! though we've only known each other for a few weeks, you're a very nice person to talk to, and it was certainly great fun spending all those times with you! love!(:

thank you Wanxuan, though i havent known you for very long either, you're also nice to hang out with! and you almost had the same christian name as me! haha! let's hang out together more often yeah!(: love!(:

to people whom i havent thanked but should, THANK YOU so much for impacting my life in one way or another! thank God for all of you.(:

I LOVE N350.(:
blogged @ 8:45 AM

Wednesday, December 31, 2008'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! ♥

HEY ALL!!!! WOO HOO!!! It is new year's eve. Less than 1 hour till 2009. It is 11.17 pm when I typed this. haha. Its Leroy here by the way.

Lets have a new year's resolution in all our hearts to grow as a strong cellgroup! (: I'm so hyped up right now I am going to start rambling. 2008 I think we can all agree has been a year full of ups and downs. But we have seen the cellgroup grow and have seen new friends join us. Now lets extend our hearts and make time to bond with them. la la la ~ ~ ~

^^ That up there. Not the normal me. It is the me that is high on adrenaline. But still HAPPY NEW YEAR and lets make and impact in lives! Thanks Xueni and Xuewen for this blog.

Tributes this year:
-Wei Sheng, the cellgroup will miss such a great brother. You're a totally awesome guitarist and an even better friend. Thanks for everything! (:
-Shaun, we all miss the guy who flies everywhere around church. You seem to know everyone. haha, be back in 2 years man!

I think that's all I can remember. My memory got a bit of a gap right now. Sorry. Pls edit if I missed out anyone.

have a good New Year's Day ya'll. And pls update more...[I'm guilty too. Sorry...]
blogged @ 7:15 AM

Monday, December 8, 2008'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! ♥

Thanks xue ni for making this loving and such a nice blog...Let's all dont waste the effort of this cute little sis..haha

anw i tomorrow will go for reservice till 20th...so all of you take care and for tomorrow event, bring out the love of Christ to the children and bring joy to every single one of them

take care and see you all next two weeks time and bye shaun, do take care will miss you a lot...smuck
blogged @ 4:59 AM

Thursday, December 4, 2008'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! ♥

okay it's me posting again...looking forward to see other people posting!(:
let's flood this blog with posts okay...(:

had a great time during cell group today! :D
it's been a long time since we had one in Darice's house...and the attendance this week is better than usual! :D
let's see who came... Darice, Shaun, Leroy, Julia, Ivan, Eunice, Bryan, Xueni, Xuewen, Keli, David, Yinghui, Felicia, Wan Xuan!(: i hope i didnt miss anyone out...we had 14 people!(:
that's a great improvement! and i'm sure that we can do even better in the future cell group meetings! :D

it's nice to hang out after cg meeting...playing, eating, chatting, laughing and even taking photos together.(: let's do that more often! :D
i cant wait for the community service event! :D Christmas wonderland! :D
i love children alot!

" 每个baby是上帝牵着手带进这个世界里的。"
-quoted from a taiwan drama called 'Fated to Love You'.(:

we should really count our blessings and be thankful for what we have. cos not everyone can be as fortunate as us.(:
sometimes i just like to sit down and think about what God has done for me. and i'd always be amazed. He has done alot for me. ever since i've accepted Christ, my life has totally changed. of course, i would still like to see more changes, i'm not going to stop at being who i am now. i want to improve everyday, to be more and more like Christ!(:

okay, shall end my post here! God bless! :D
blogged @ 7:37 AM

Wednesday, November 12, 2008'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! ♥

hey people! please post more often!

anyway, congrats to all those who have finished their o'levels! freedom is yours!=P
now that exams are over, we should really hang out more often! :D
let's go somewhere before cell group or something?(:

i'll be in taiwan from 16th-29th November...will definitely miss you guys...must miss me too okay.=P
dont forget to take more photos during Asia Conference. so that yall can show them to me when i get back.(:
do treasure your time and chance to go for this mega event, cos it's one of our church's largest event! i dont even have the privilege to go.):

okay, shall stop here. remember to post and tag as often as possible!(:
God bless.(:
blogged @ 5:23 AM

Monday, November 3, 2008'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! ♥

hello hello!(:

this is my first time blogging here!(:
thank you Xueni for creating this blog!

first, i really want to thank God for this wonderful spiritual family. during my toughest times, this cell group has always been there for me. i love N350 alot!(:
and i'll do whatever it takes to grow this family.(:
24 strong members by the end of 2008.(:

let's do it together! we may not be perfect, but our God is perfect!(:
and i believe that the reason He has put us together is for us to use our individual strengths to cover for each others' weaknesses.(:
i admit that i have my own weaknesses, and i'm willing to change them!(:
jiayou together yeah!(:

love you all!(:
God bless! :D
blogged @ 4:19 AM

Saturday, November 1, 2008'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! ♥

blogged @ 10:11 AM


ying shu

love GOD:)
City Harvest Church


More ppl joining our family!


Image: x
Brushes: Deviantart
Please leave the credits alone, thanks